LoDDoS is a DDoS Testing platform produced in software as a service (SaaS) model, capable of fast, easy, complex and safe jumps with its multiple attack capability.

LoDDoS is a cloud-based DDoS Testing platform offered as software as a service (SaaS) model.
DDoS mitigation solutions are only effective when their configuration maps the protected networks perfectly. Unfortunately, most mitigation systems do not automatically fine-tune their configuration. That means that any changes in the network impact the configuration settings and create DDoS vulnerabilities, making the network vulnerable to attacks.
LoDDos enables organizations to test the limits, the resilience, and the efficiency of their existing DDoS mitigation systems prior to an actual DDoS attack.
As of today, 78% of DDoS attacks targeted the application layer of the OSI model, 17% hit the network and transport layers, and 3% targeted DNS. With LoDDos’ multi attack- multi target- multi monitor capabilities, complex DDoS tests on Layers 3, 4 and 7 can be performed.
LoDDos tests are initiated with a single action, monitored live, repeated as often as needed. In case of unexpected situations, test can be stopped immediately with emergency stop button. Reports are generated automatically and promptly by the end of each test, and DDoS Resiliency Score is automatically calculated and mentioned in the report.
Gartner mentioned LoDDos twice and LoDDos has references in 23 countries on 4 continents.